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Odor Descriptors for violet leaf
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - violet leaf
 ethyl heptine carbonate
 odor: violet leaf oily waxy
FL/FR viola odorata leaf extract
 odor: violet leaf
 flavor: violet leaf
FL/FR violet leaf absolute
 odor: green oily earthy leafy floral
 flavor: Green, melon, floral, fresh, waxy, grassy and leafy
FL/FR violet leaf absolute egypt
 odor: oily green cucumber leafy fresh sweet floral
 flavor: green leafy
FR violet leaf concrete
 odor: green
FR violet leaf fragrance
FL/FR violet leaf oil (viola odorata)
 odor: violet leaf
 flavor: violet leaf
Secondary (Second) - violet leaf
FL2-ethyl octine carbonate
 odor: violet leaves green cucumber floral
 flavor: cucumber green
 odor: green cucumber oily violet leafy
 flavor: Green apple and melon with a fatty mouth feel and a nutty nuance
FR violet dienyne
 odor: green violet leaf floral violet greasy tropical fruity chicken coup
FR violet nitrile
 odor: green violet floral walnut
Tertiary (Third) - violet leaf
FL/FR methyl octine carbonate
 odor: floral green violet leaf melon cucumber
 flavor: green melon cucumber violet tropical fruity
 odor: cucumber violet leaf green
 odor: green fatty dry cucumber violet leaf
 flavor: Green, cucumber, melon, fatty and rindy with a hint of meat fat
Quaternary (Fourth) - violet leaf
FL tetrahydrofurfuryl propionate
 odor: oily paint fruity violet leaf tropical
 flavor: Oily, musty, tropical, etherial, rummy, with a fruity nuance
Quinary (Fifth) - violet leaf
FL/FR dibutyl sulfide
 odor: green grassy violet-leaf herbal rose geranium
 flavor: Green, vegetative, onion garlic, horseradish, savory
 odor: fatty melon waxy green violet leaf cucumber tropical fruit chicken fat
 flavor: fatty waxy chicken fat citrus rind greasy potato chip nut flesh cucumber
FL/FR(E,Z)-2,6-nonadienal diethyl acetal
 odor: green cucumber fresh oily painty
 flavor: green oily cucumber fatty melon seedy lard
Senary (Sixth) - violet leaf
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl lactate
 odor: green leafy sweet melon waxy violet leaf tropical fruity
 flavor: Green leafy waxy with fruity tropical nuances
Septenary (Seventh) - violet leaf
FL/FR curry leaf absolute
 odor: fresh leafy green pepper algae spicy artichoke avocado violet leaf
 flavor: fresh green leafy algae tea tropical dried fruit spicy magnolia
FL/FR methyl heptine carbonate
 odor: green leafy waxy violet cucumber
 flavor: Green, vegetative, fatty, fruity, rindy, melon and cucumber with mushroom and dairy nuances
 odor: green melon watery watermelon earthy mushroom violet leaf fishy soapy
 flavor: green melon waxy fatty mushroom vegetable asparagus violet leaf
Octonary (Eighth) - violet leaf
FR fragaria vesca leaf absolute
 odor: green green tea weedy earthy bergamot brown sugar chamomile violet leaf
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl isobutyrate
 odor: fruity green pear apple tropical mango tomato leaf violet leaf
 flavor: sweet fruity spicy apple pear green asparagus green bean guava
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