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Odor Descriptors for melon rind
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - melon rind
Secondary (Second) - melon rind
Tertiary (Third) - melon rind
FR cucumber fragrance
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl pyruvate
 odor: green oily melon rind banana peel cucumber skin tea
 flavor: Oily green cucumber vegetative and fruit like with nuances of apple, berry and cherry as well as watermelon
FL/FR melon heptenal
 odor: fresh ozone melon fresh air sweet clean green
 flavor: Green, melon watermelon-rind, cucumber, with a waxy, chemical and floral nuance
 odor: fresh waxy green melon rind tropical mushroom
 flavor: waxy green spicy melon rind tropical cilantro fatty greasy
 odor: Green, mushroom, melon rind with waxy nuances
 flavor: Mushroom, green melon rind, earthy and nutty notes
Quaternary (Fourth) - melon rind
 odor: Green, fatty, cucumber-like with melon and tallow undernotes
 flavor: Fatty, rindy, green, cucumber and melon
Quinary (Fifth) - melon rind
FL/FR butyl lactate
 odor: green fruity apple kiwi melon rind lactonic waxy winey apple skin soapy
 flavor: green fruity apple skin melon rind banana peel tropical winey creamy waxy soapy
FL costus root resinoid
 odor: orris green hairy woody unripe melons
 odor: fatty peach sweet metallic fruity
 flavor: fruity fatty creamy buttery peach
FL/FR1-ethoxyethyl acetate
 odor: fresh green estery fruity aromatic melon rind bell pepper sour acetic citrus
 flavor: estery ethereal fruity green tropical winey melon rind passion fruit
 odor: Green, melon, fatty, cucumber with oily mushroom and fishy nuances
 flavor: Green, melon, fatty, cucumber, cantaloupe with chicken and fish nuances
Senary (Sixth) - melon rind
FL costus root absolute
 odor: orris green hairy woody unripe melons
 odor: green fatty dry cucumber violet leaf
 flavor: Green, cucumber, melon, fatty and rindy with a hint of meat fat
FL/FR(Z)-3-octen-1-yl propionate
 odor: pear fruity melon green cortex melon rind honeydew cantaloupe artichoke
 flavor: fruity pear green cortex melon rind tropical grape winey
Septenary (Seventh) - melon rind
FR privetone
 odor: fresh green privet stem
 flavor: green nasturtium wasabi melon rind watercress truffle asparagus
Octonary (Eighth) - melon rind
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