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Odor Descriptors for coffee roasted coffee
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - coffee roasted coffee
FL2-acetyl-6-methyl pyrazine
 odor: roasted coffee cocoa popcorn
FL/FR cichorium intybus root solid extract
 odor: sweet roasted coffee
 flavor: chicory
FL/FR coffea arabica seed extract
 odor: coffee mocha
 flavor: coffee
FL/FRroasted coffea arabica seed extract
 odor: coffee
 flavor: coffee
FL/FR coffee absolute
 odor: coffee
 flavor: coffee
FL/FRarabica coffee bean butter
 odor: sharp roasted coffee
 flavor: roasted coffee
FL/FRroasted arabica coffee bean essence
 odor: coffee
 flavor: coffee
FL/FRroasted coffee bean extract
 odor: coffee
 flavor: coffee
FL/FRroasted arabica coffee bean infusion
 odor: coffee
 flavor: coffee
FL/FRroasted arabica coffee bean oil
 odor: dark roast brewed coffee
 flavor: Beany roasted coffee with an astringent brown bitter afternote
FL/FRroasted arabica coffee bean oil CO2 extract
 odor: coffee burnt beany
 flavor: roasted espresso coffee burnt
FL/FR coffee bean oil extract
 odor: coffee
 flavor: coffee
FL/FR coffee difuran
 odor: Sulfurous, coffee, furfuryl mercaptan, roasted, meaty, onion and cabbage, potato
 flavor: Sulfurous, coffee, roasted meaty, onion
FL coffee distillates
 flavor: coffee
FR coffee fragrance
FL/FR coffee resinoid
 odor: coffee
 flavor: coffee
FL2,5-dimethyl-3-thiofuroyl furan
 odor: coffee roasted meaty
FL/FR furfuryl mercaptan
 odor: Roasted coffee, sulfurous, with a burnt match note. It is savory meaty with chicken and fried onion nuances.
 flavor: Sulfurous roasted coffee, burnt match-like, rubbery, and slightly nutty with eggy and savory meaty nuances.
FL furfuryl methyl ether
 odor: roasted coffee
 flavor: mustard
FL/FR methyl furfuryl disulfide
 odor: Roasted coffee, sulfurous cooked meat and liver, onion and garlic nuances. Slight eggy undertones
 flavor: Roasted coffee, toasted onion and garlic, with roasted beef and fried pork nuances
FL methyl furfuryl thiol
 odor: sulfurous roasted coffee
 flavor: strong mustard garlic burnt meaty
FL/FR2-methyl-3-,5 or 6-(furfuryl thio) pyrazine
 odor: sulfurous nutty roasted coffee cooked meat
FL2-methyl quinoxaline
 odor: toasted coffee nutty fruity
 flavor: phenolic burnt coffee nutty
FL2-thienyl mercaptan
 odor: roast coffee fishy
 flavor: sulfurous, mercaptan coffee
FL2-thiophene thiol
 odor: burnt caramel roasted coffee
 flavor: coffee
Secondary (Second) - coffee roasted coffee
FL2-ethyl-5(or6)-methyl pyrazine
 odor: nutty roasted coffee hazelnut cocoa roasted barley
FL2-thienyl methanol
 odor: savory roasted coffee
Tertiary (Third) - coffee roasted coffee
Quaternary (Fourth) - coffee roasted coffee
FL dimethyl dihydrocyclopentapyrazine
 odor: burnt earthy nutty roasted coffee
Quinary (Fifth) - coffee roasted coffee
FL/FR3,6-cocoa pyrazine
 odor: potato cocoa roasted nutty
 flavor: hazelnut
FL3-mercapto-3-methyl butyl formate
 odor: sulfurous catty caramelised onion; roast coffee, roast meat, with a tropical nuance on dilution
Senary (Sixth) - coffee roasted coffee
 odor: Sulfurous, initially fruity then becoming savory and chicken meaty with a slight roasted coffee nuance and a hint of fruitiness on dry out
 flavor: Sulfurous, guava tropical fruity, with a hint of brothy savory and egg
Septenary (Seventh) - coffee roasted coffee
Octonary (Eighth) - coffee roasted coffee
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