Typical G.C. analysis
cistus ladaniferus oil morocco
400.80alpha- amorphene
470.97allo- aromadendrene
231.45  borneol
352.40  bornyl acetate
523.00delta- cadinene
591.32alpha- cadinol
580.81T- cadinol
530.31alpha- calacorene
540.37beta- calacorene
210.74  camphene hydrate
12trace  camphenilone
170.78alpha- campholenic aldehyde
202.92  camphor
360.21  carvacrol
311.22cis- carveol
330.31  carvone
45tracebeta- caryophyllene
7trace1,8- cineole
410.79alpha- copaene
380.30alpha- cubebene
420.19beta- cubebene
571.71  cubenol
320.77  cuminaldehyde
250.19para- cymen-8-ol
40.30ortho- cymene
130.43para- cymene
160.572,6- dimethyl cyclohexanol
2trace3,5- dimethyl phenol
30tracealpha- fenchyl acetate
340.35  geraniol
440.42alpha- gurjunene
460.19beta- gurjunene
43traceiso italicene
500.45  ledene
550.42  ledol
5trace  limonene
110.15(Z)-para- menth-2-en-1-ol
510.62alpha- muurolene
480.18gamma- muurolene
28trace  myrtanol
271.35  myrtenal
60.25beta- phellandrene
370.06 phenyl propionic acid
10.37alpha- pinene
150.23alpha- pinene oxide
192.47trans- pinocarveol
221.11  pinocarvone
180.16(E)- rose oxide
240.70  terpinen-4-ol
3tracealpha- terpinene
90.35gamma- terpinene
260.30alpha- terpineol
140.43  terpinolene
100.353,5,5- trimethyl cyclohex-2-en-1-one
80.752,2,6- trimethyl cyclohexanone
490.16  valencene
290.19  verbenone
5612.81  viridiflorol
390.80alpha- ylangene

N. Mrabet, S. Zrira, M. M. Ismaili-Alaoui, H. Lahloa and B. Benjilali, Essential oils and resin gum from Moroccan Cistus, “Cistus ladaniferus L." Rivista Ital. EPPOS, (Numero Speciale), 622-630 (1997).

P&F 24, No. 4, 31, (1999)

salvia officinalis oil england
A Sardinian oil of S. officinalis was analyzedbv Peana et al. (1999) using both CC and GC/MS. and it was found to possess the following composition:
254.10  borneol
311.30  bornyl acetate
56.60  camphene
2126.40  camphor
10tracedelta-3- carene
300.10  carvacrol
330.70beta- caryophyllene
350.20  caryophyllene oxide
139.601,8- cineole
120.20para- cymene
170.10para-alpha- dimethyl styrene
320.10  eugenol
363.30  guaiol
340.90alpha- humulene
370.40  humulene oxide
380.6014- hydroxy-9-epi-beta-caryophyllene
142.30  limonene
16trace(Z)- linalool oxide
390.10  lyral
90.90  myrcene
281.00  myrtanol
43.70alpha- pinene
80.40beta- pinene
231.10  pinocamphone
240.10iso pulegol
70.20  sabinene
10.30 salvene
400.30alpha- santalol
260.70  terpinen-4-ol
110.20alpha- terpinene
150.10gamma- terpinene
270.30alpha- terpineol
180.10  terpinolene
3tracealpha- thujene
1924.70alpha- thujone
206.40beta- thujone
290.20  thymol
20.20  tricyclene
61.60  verbenene
220.70(Z)- verbenol

M. Tiziana Baratta, H. J. D. Dorman, S. G. Deans, D. M. Biondi and G. Ruberto. Chemical composition, antimicrobial and antiozidative activity of Laurel, sage, rosemary, oregano and coriander essential oils. J. Essent. Oil Res. , 10, 618-627 (1998).

P&F 26, No. 3, 66, (2001)

salvia officinalis seed oil tunisia
GC Analyses of Salvia Seeds as Valuable Essential Oil Source Mouna Ben Ta�rit, Kamel Msaada, Karim Hosni, and Brahim Marzouk1 1Laboratoire des Substances Bioactives, Centre de Biotechnologie, Technop�le de Borj-Cédria, BP 901, 2050 Hammam-Lif, Tunisia 2Laboratoire des Substances Naturelles, Institut National de Recherche et d’Analyse Physico-Chimique (INRAP), Sidi Thabet, 2020 Ariana, Tunisia
1470.47alpha- amorphene
1461.43allo- aromadendrene
1620.18  aromadendrene
1751.29  bicyclogermacrene
1740.72beta- bisabolene
1163.54  borneol
1590.16  bornyl acetate
1510.08gamma- cadinene
1510.53delta- cadinene
2180.15T- cadinol
 0.41alpha- cadinol
15313.08  camphor
1150.03delta-3- carene
1290.83  carvacrol
1610.19beta- caryophyllene
1570.16  caryophyllene oxide
1036.661,8- cineole
1490.01alpha- copaene
1490.34epi- cubebol
1180.17para- cymen-8-ol
1021.52para- cymene
1380.06beta- damascenone
1380.16beta- elemene
1330.07delta- elemene
 0.47beta- eudesmol
1350.83  eugenol
1500.24(E,E)-alpha- farnesene
1141.01 geigerene
1850.33  geraniol
1850.08  germacrene B
1721.18  germacrene D
8781.29  hexanol
1453.71alpha- humulene
1600.25  humulene oxide II
1550.68  linalool
1070.13(Z)- linalool oxide
1230.08  linalyl acetate
 2.2213-epi- manool
1400.18  methyl eugenol
1190.28  myrtanol
1190.55  myrtenal
1561.41(E)- nerolidol
9391.26alpha- pinene
1060.19(Z)- sabinene hydrate
1210.18(Z)- sabinol
1570.08  spathulenol
1170.09  terpinen-4-ol
1700.91alpha- terpineol
1182.42delta- terpineol
1701.81alpha- terpinyl acetate
1033.08alpha- thujene
11014.77alpha- thujone
1114.30beta- thujone
1290.37  thymol
1010.23  tricyclene
1100.48  undecane
1592.66  viridiflorol
1490.04alpha- ylangene
Overall, it emerges that tricyclene and camphor were biochemical markers of the essential oil of S. verbenaca seeds. Being rich in camphor, seeds could be used as antimicrobial agent. Another point that should be highlighted is that S. officinalis seeds had the same a-thujone chemotype as leaves, whereas these two organs showed some quantitative differences leading to the safe use of seeds essential oil in food industry. From a qualitative standpoint, seeds of S. sclarea seemed to have the same enzymatic trend as flowers characterized by the prevalence of linalool. It is noteworthy to mention that linalool-producing seeds as S. sclarea were suitable for flavouring purposes and constitute potential anti-inflammatory agents.
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