Typical G.C. analysis
citrus sinensis var. moro oil
330.016  bornyl acetate
530.030delta- cadinene
520.006gamma- cadinene
30.003  camphene
90.147delta-3- carene
270.010cis- carveol
440.021beta- caryophyllene
220.038  citronellal
370.006  citronellyl acetate
390.024alpha- copaene
410.031beta-cubebene + beta-elemene
250.161  decanal
430.010  decyl acetate
420.031  dodecanal
510.021(E,E)-alpha- farnesene
460.022(E)-beta- farnesene
310.085  geranial
300.009  geraniol
400.019  geranyl acetate
480.023  germacrene D
450.008alpha- humulene
1194.772  limonene
210.014(E)- limonene oxide
200.009(Z)- limonene oxide
180.542  linalool
500.005alpha- muurolene
470.008gamma- muurolene
61.859  myrcene
290.055  neral
280.024  nerol
550.006(E)- nerolidol
380.010  neryl acetate
190.035  nonanal
350.004  nonyl acetate
590.022  nootkatone
130.029(E)-beta- ocimene
120.008(Z)-beta- ocimene
80.142  octanal
160.027  octanol
260.005  octyl acetate
320.010  perillaldehyde
70.060alpha- phellandrene
20.480alpha- pinene
50.034beta- pinene
40.596  sabinene
150.016(E)- sabinene hydrate
580.031alpha- sinensal
570.036beta- sinensal
230.006  terpinen-4-ol
100.007alpha- terpinene
140.007gamma- terpinene
240.055alpha- terpineol
170.033  terpinolene
360.004alpha- terpinyl acetate
560.003  tetradecanal
10.005alpha- thujene
54trace  tridecanal
340.010  undecanal
490.177  valencene

A. Verzera, A. Trozzi, I. Stagno-d’Alcontres and A. Cotroneo, On the genuineness of citrus essential oils. Part XLVII. The composition of volatile fraction of some varieties of sweet orange oils. J. Essent. Oil Res., 8, 159-170 (1996).

P&F 25, No. 5, 52, (2000)

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