Typical G.C. analysis
juniperus sabina oil
180.10  cadinene
30.10  camphene
100.201,8- cineole
190.20  citronellol
130.20para- cymene
200.20  elemol
81.50  limonene
53.40  myrcene
60.20alpha- phellandrene
90.20beta- phellandrene
11.60alpha- pinene
423.50  sabinene
170.30(Z)- sabinol
1645.50(Z)- sabinyl acetate
153.10  terpinen-4-ol
70.50alpha- terpinene
111.30gamma- terpinene
120.80  terpinolene
20.90alpha- thujene
141.10beta- thujone

G. Fournier, N. Pages, C. Fournier and G. Callen, Contribution to the study of the essential oil of various cultivars of ]uniperus sabina. Planta Med., 57, 392-393 (1991).

P&F 16, No. 6, 49, (1991)

pteronia incana oil
301.20  bicyclogermacrene
500.70alpha- bisabolol
350.30alpha- cadinene
312.30delta- cadinene
510.50alpha- cadinol
470.40T- cadinol
430.70alpha- calacorene
490.50  carvacrol
370.30trans- carveol
400.20cis- carveol
203.20beta- caryophyllene
440.10  caryophyllene oxide
89.001,8- cineole
330.50  cuminaldehyde
322.10ar- curcumene
380.80para- cymen-8-ol
1011.30para- cymene
180.10alpha- fenchyl alcohol
390.30  geranyl acetone
521.50epi- globulol
241.20alpha- humulene
283.10  ledene
77.00  limonene
150.90  linalool
120.30  methyl caproate
140.20  methyl caprylate
457.20  methyl eugenol
291.10  muurolene
480.80T- muurolol
410.30  myrcene
210.50  myrtenal
340.70  myrtenol
250.10  myrtenyl acetate
460.80(E)- nerolidol
50.40alpha- phellandrene
118.60alpha- pinene
232.50beta- pinene
221.30trans- pinocarveol
170.10iso pulegol
160.10neoiso pulegol
13trace  pyronene
37.40  sabinene
420.10(E)- sabinol
360.30(Z)- sabinol
531.40iso spathulenol
195.30  terpinen-4-ol
60.20alpha- terpinene
261.30alpha- terpineol
230.40delta- terpineol
110.10  terpinolene
270.80alpha- terpinyl acetate

K. Bruns and M. Meiertoberens, Volatile Constituents of Pteronia incana (Compositae). Flav. Frag. J., 2, 157-162 (1987).

P&F 14, No. 1, 29, (1989)

salvia officinalis seed oil tunisia
GC Analyses of Salvia Seeds as Valuable Essential Oil Source Mouna Ben Ta�rit, Kamel Msaada, Karim Hosni, and Brahim Marzouk1 1Laboratoire des Substances Bioactives, Centre de Biotechnologie, Technop�le de Borj-Cédria, BP 901, 2050 Hammam-Lif, Tunisia 2Laboratoire des Substances Naturelles, Institut National de Recherche et d’Analyse Physico-Chimique (INRAP), Sidi Thabet, 2020 Ariana, Tunisia
1470.47alpha- amorphene
1461.43allo- aromadendrene
1620.18  aromadendrene
1751.29  bicyclogermacrene
1740.72beta- bisabolene
1163.54  borneol
1590.16  bornyl acetate
1510.08gamma- cadinene
1510.53delta- cadinene
2180.15T- cadinol
 0.41alpha- cadinol
15313.08  camphor
1150.03delta-3- carene
1290.83  carvacrol
1610.19beta- caryophyllene
1570.16  caryophyllene oxide
1036.661,8- cineole
1490.01alpha- copaene
1490.34epi- cubebol
1180.17para- cymen-8-ol
1021.52para- cymene
1380.06beta- damascenone
1380.16beta- elemene
1330.07delta- elemene
 0.47beta- eudesmol
1350.83  eugenol
1500.24(E,E)-alpha- farnesene
1141.01 geigerene
1850.33  geraniol
1850.08  germacrene B
1721.18  germacrene D
8781.29  hexanol
1453.71alpha- humulene
1600.25  humulene oxide II
1550.68  linalool
1070.13(Z)- linalool oxide
1230.08  linalyl acetate
 2.2213-epi- manool
1400.18  methyl eugenol
1190.28  myrtanol
1190.55  myrtenal
1561.41(E)- nerolidol
9391.26alpha- pinene
1060.19(Z)- sabinene hydrate
1210.18(Z)- sabinol
1570.08  spathulenol
1170.09  terpinen-4-ol
1700.91alpha- terpineol
1182.42delta- terpineol
1701.81alpha- terpinyl acetate
1033.08alpha- thujene
11014.77alpha- thujone
1114.30beta- thujone
1290.37  thymol
1010.23  tricyclene
1100.48  undecane
1592.66  viridiflorol
1490.04alpha- ylangene
Overall, it emerges that tricyclene and camphor were biochemical markers of the essential oil of S. verbenaca seeds. Being rich in camphor, seeds could be used as antimicrobial agent. Another point that should be highlighted is that S. officinalis seeds had the same a-thujone chemotype as leaves, whereas these two organs showed some quantitative differences leading to the safe use of seeds essential oil in food industry. From a qualitative standpoint, seeds of S. sclarea seemed to have the same enzymatic trend as flowers characterized by the prevalence of linalool. It is noteworthy to mention that linalool-producing seeds as S. sclarea were suitable for flavouring purposes and constitute potential anti-inflammatory agents.
wormwood oil america
In 1993, Tucker et al. analyzed a commercial sample of wormwood oil by GC and GC/MS. The oil was found to possess the following composition:
201.44beta- caryophyllene
300.11  chamazulene
100.621,8- cineole
120.28para- cymene
170.85(Z)- epoxyocimene
30.18alpha- fenchene
290.14  geraniol
282.08  geranyl propionate
241.72  germacrene D
140.39(Z)-3- hexen-1-ol
220.71  lavandulol
191.81  lavandulyl acetate
90.21  limonene
181.74  linalool
10.24(Z)-2- methyl-3-methylene-hept-5-ene
61.32  myrcene
270.37  nerol
261.44  neryl isobutyrate
70.35alpha- phellandrene
20.69alpha- pinene
40.19beta- pinene
52.91  sabinene
232.70(Z)- sabinol
2132.75(Z)- sabinyl acetate
80.16alpha- terpinene
110.41gamma- terpinene
130.05  terpinolene
153.42alpha- thujone
1633.11beta- thujone

O. Tucker, M. J. Maciarello and G. Sturtz, The essential oils of Artemisia "Powis Castle" and its putative parents A. absinthum and A. arborescens. J. Essent. Oil Res., 5, 239-242 (1993).

P&F 23, No. 1, 39, (1998)

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