Typical G.C. analysis
geranium oil bourbon
621.38  citronellol
91.26  citronellyl butyrate
88.37  citronellyl formate
717.45  geraniol
110.39  geranyl acetate
131.04  geranyl butyrate
107.55  geranyl formate
121.34  geranyl tiglate
53.90  guaia-6,9-diene
412.90  linalool
21.50  menthone
37.20iso menthone
140.432- phenethyl tiglate
10.21(E)- rose oxide

L. Ntezurubanza and F-X. Ayobangia, Perspectives de valorisation de plantes médicinales et ar�matiques au Rwanda. In: 3e colloque produits naturels d’origine végétale, Edits., G. Collin and F-X. Garneau, pp. 37-52, Actes du colloque de Saint-Jean-sur-Richeliu, 18-24 Oct. 1995, Univ. Chicoutimi, Quebec (1996).

P&F 24, No. 1, 53, (1999)

geranium oil bourbon
 0.18  furopelargone B
 1.42  citronellyl tiglate
 0.43beta- bourbonene
 0.39beta- caryophyllene
 21.56  citronellol
 0.14  citronellyl acetate
 0.31  citronellyl butyrate
 4.81  citronellyl formate
 0.12alpha- copaene
 0.05para- cymene
 6.0110-epi-gamma- eudesmol
 25.47  geraniol
 0.23  geranyl acetate
 0.22  geranyl butyrate
 2.15  geranyl formate
 0.13  geranyl propionate
 1.25  geranyl tiglate
 0.09  germacrene D
 0.08  guaia-6,9-diene
 0.07(E)-2- hexenal
 0.80(Z)-3- hexen-1-ol
 0.42alpha- humulene
 0.43  limonene
 13.07  linalool
 0.13(E)- linalool oxide
 0.23(Z)- linalool oxide
 6.79iso menthone
 0.13  menthone
 2.27  myrcene
 1.09  neral
 0.88(E)-beta- ocimene
 0.59(Z)-beta- ocimene
 0.12alpha- phellandrene
 0.772- phenethyl tiglate
 0.24alpha- pinene
 0.29  piperitone
 0.31(Z)- rose oxide
 0.13(E)- rose oxide
 0.21  sabinene
 0.79alpha- terpineol
 0.08  terpinolene
 0.05alpha- ylangene
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