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Flavor Descriptors for tomato
This information is provided to the Internet Community.
Primary (First) - tomato
FL bloody mary flavor
FL bohemian sunset flavor
FL ketchup flavor
FL/FR solanum lycopersicum fruit oleoresin
 flavor: tomato
FL/FR solanum lycopersicum leaf absolute
 odor: tomato
 flavor: tomato
FL tomato compound
 flavor: tomato
FL tomato distillates
 flavor: tropical tart acidic green fruity vegetable earthy umami
FL tomato enhancers
 flavor: tomato
FL/FR tomato essence
 odor: tomato
 flavor: tomato
FL tomato flavor
FLcooked tomato flavor
FLgreen tomato flavor
FLroasted tomato flavor
FLsmoky tomato flavor
FLsun dried tomato flavor
FL tomato fractions
 flavor: tomato
FL tomato juice concentrate
 flavor: tomato
FD tomato powder
 flavor: tomato
Secondary (Second) - tomato
FL goldenberry flavor
 odor: fresh oily fatty creamy vegetable dairy green grassy
 flavor: sweet green tomato leaf oily tuna creamy vegetable brothy fishy
 odor: green herbal musty tomato metallic
 flavor: green tomato fresh herbal vegetable
 odor: green cooked vegetable tomato cooked turnup brothy gassy
 flavor: Green, tomato, fresh with herbal vegetable nuances
FL/FR methional
 odor: Vegetable oil. Creamy tomato, potato skin and French fry, yeasty, bready, limburger cheese with a savory meaty brothy nuance
 flavor: Musty tomato, potato, vegetative, mold ripened cheeses, onion, beefy brothy and egg and seafood nuances
FL potato butyraldehyde
 odor: Sulfureous, vegetative, cabbage-like and green with a fishy nuance
 flavor: Vegetative, tomato, fishy and sulfureous
FL raspberry tomato flavor
Tertiary (Third) - tomato
FL araza flavor
FL/FR2-isobutyl thiazole
 odor: green wasabi privet tomato leaf earthy vegetable metallic
 flavor: Green, vegetable, tomato-like with raw musty nuances
FL/FR dimethyl sulfide
 odor: sulfury onion sweet corn vegetable cabbage tomato green radish
 flavor: Sulfurous, vegetative tomato, corn and asparagus with a dairy creaminess and a slight minty afternote
FL goji berry distillates
 flavor: goji berry
FL goji flavor
 flavor: onion garlic tomato sulfurous
FDS-methyl methioninium chloride
 odor: Malty, tomato, methional, sulfureous, with a green nuance
 flavor: Sulfureous creamy, tomato, malty, vegetable like
FL methyl propyl disulfide
 odor: Sulfureous, alliaceous, radish, mustard, tomato, potato and garlic
 flavor: Onion, garlic, tomato, potato, alliaceous and vegetative
FL1-methyl thio-3-octanone
 flavor: fatty citrus tomato vine vegetable peely blue cheese
Quaternary (Fourth) - tomato
FL/FR benzyl laurate
 odor: light fatty waxy soapy
 flavor: mild ethereal fruity tropical tomato green fatty waxy soapy
Quinary (Fifth) - tomato
FL benzyl mercaptan
 odor: Sharp, sulfuraceous, onion, garlic, horseradish, mint and coffee
 flavor: Leek, horseradish, cabbage, green, tomato and coffee
 odor: green cortex leafy green bean nasturtium herbal soapy aldehydic narcissus phenolic
 flavor: green nasturtium vegetable herbal tomato leaf potato fusel weedy
 lemon leaf flavor
FL methional diethyl acetal
 odor: pungent cabbage
 flavor: mushroom onion green sweet tomato garlic
FL/FR petitgrain lemon oil
 odor: fresh sweet oily floral citrus lemon tomato woody bitter
 flavor: citrus lemon lemongrass aldehydic tomato green citrus peel floral
FL pizza flavor
Senary (Sixth) - tomato
 odor: Sharp penetrating leafy green, vegetative stemmy with unripe tomato, melon and tropical nuances
 flavor: Strong, aromatic green, with waxy vegatative green melon and tomato nuances. And a hint of cinnamon spice
FL/FR hexyl salicylate
 odor: fresh herbal orchid green
 flavor: herbal green metallic floral algae tomato leaf asparagus
FL/FR nonanal dimethyl acetal
 odor: fresh floral plastic citrus green
 flavor: green plastic waxy cilantro nasturtium tomato leaf cortex
 odor: Fatty, green, waxy and vegetative with cucumber-melon, cereal notes and a chicken fat nuance
 flavor: Fatty, green, melon, waxy, vegetative, tomato and mushroom with chicken nuances
FR phenethyl isopropyl ether
 odor: green rose plastic metallic spicy foliage watercress
 flavor: green watercress plastic metallic spicy tomato leaf clover
FL propylene glycol acetone ketal
 odor: earthy ethereal green vegetable asparagus raw potato tomato tomato leaf
 flavor: green earthy ethereal vegetable musty tomato raw potato
Septenary (Seventh) - tomato
FL/FR(Z)-3-hexen-1-yl (Z)-3-hexenoate
 odor: green tomato leaf pear melon metallic fennel tropical
 flavor: green fruity pear melon tropical banana peel tomato leaf metallic
Octonary (Eighth) - tomato
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