Primary (First) - beany |
FD | refried | beans |
FL/FR | roasted arabica | coffee bean oil |
| odor: dark roast brewed coffee |
| flavor: Beany roasted coffee with an astringent brown bitter afternote |
Secondary (Second) - beany |
FL | | coffee enhancers |
| flavor: roasted coffee strong beany |
Tertiary (Third) - beany |
FL/FR | 2- | pentyl acetate |
| odor: herbal weedy musty green vegetable nut skin beany ketonic animal |
| flavor: dairy nut skin beany vegetable green musty nutty oily |
FL/FR | | theobroma cacao extract |
| odor: cocoa roasted powdery beany |
| flavor: cocoa bitter powdery brown beany |
Quaternary (Fourth) - beany |
FL/FR | 3- | acetyl-2,5-dimethyl furan |
| odor: sweet musty nutty earthy cocoa corn leather |
| flavor: Nutty, musty, cocoa-like, with beany and bready nuances |
FL | | coffee flavor |
Quinary (Fifth) - beany |
FL | 2- | furyl pentyl ketone |
| odor: Sweet, fruity, ketonic, green |
| flavor: Sweet, fruity, green, waxy, beany |
FL/FR | | thymyl methyl ether |
| odor: woody smoky burnt |
| flavor: musty green earthy coffee beany |
Senary (Sixth) - beany |
FL | | cumin flavor |
FL/FR | | cumin seed oil |
| odor: cumin fatty sweaty pepper green vegetable |
| flavor: cumin spicy sweaty aldehydic green fatty beany herbal metallic |
FL/FR | | dihydrocarvyl acetate |
| odor: floral rose cuminseed sweet minty |
| flavor: Floral, vegetative and minty with cooling, rose and bean nuances |
FL/FR | | vanillyl acetate |
| odor: Sweet, creamy, vanilla-like with a powdery heliotropine nuance |
| flavor: Sweet, vanilla, creamy, powdery with a balsamic beany nuance |
Septenary (Seventh) - beany |
FL/FR | 2- | acetyl-3-ethyl pyrazine |
| odor: Earthy, nutty, musty, potato and corn-like |
| flavor: Musty, nutty, cocoa and peanut, with a vegetative, potato and bean nuance |
FL | | pistachio distillates |
| flavor: nutty earthy creamy pumpkin weedy woody beany vegetable |
FL | | pistachio flavor |
Octonary (Eighth) - beany |
FL/FR | | strawberry furanone butyrate |
| odor: sweet ethereal fruity tropical green weedy earthy wasabi |
| flavor: ethereal fruity tropical green wasabi earthy asparagus beany |