Category: flavored products of all types
US / EU / FDA / JECFA / FEMA / FLAVIS / Scholar / Patent Information:
Physical Properties:
Food Chemicals Codex Listed: | No |
Organoleptic Properties:
Flavor Type: fatty |
| chicken fat fatty chicken |
Taste Description:
| chicken fat |
Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found). |
Cosmetic Information:
Safety Information:
Hazards identification |
Classification of the substance or mixture |
GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS) |
None found. |
GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements |
Pictogram | |
Hazard statement(s) |
None found. |
Precautionary statement(s) |
None found. |
Oral/Parenteral Toxicity: |
Not determined
Dermal Toxicity: |
Not determined
Inhalation Toxicity: |
Not determined
Safety in Use Information:
Category: | flavored products of all types |
Recommendation for chicken fat flavor usage levels up to: | | not for fragrance use.
Safety References:
Other Information:
Potential Blenders and core components note
Potential Uses:
Occurrence (nature, food, other): note
PubMed: | Supplementing chicken broth with monosodium glutamate reduces energy intake from high fat and sweet snacks in middle-aged healthy women. |
PubMed: | Identification and characterization of genes that control fat deposition in chickens. |
PubMed: | Rapid measuring and modelling flavour quality changes of oxidised chicken fat by electronic nose profiles through the partial least squares regression analysis. |
PubMed: | Low resolution 1H NMR assignment of proton populations in pound cake and its polymeric ingredients. |
PubMed: | Cloning of the Xuhuai goat PPARγ gene and the preparation of transgenic sheep. |
PubMed: | Dietary sources of five nutrients in ethnic groups represented in the Multiethnic Cohort. |
PubMed: | Transcriptomic and metabolomic profiling of chicken adipose tissue in response to insulin neutralization and fasting. |
PubMed: | Physicochemical and sensory characteristics of burger made from duck surimi-like material. |
PubMed: | Variation in sequence and expression of the avian FTO, and association with glucose metabolism, body weight, fatness and body composition in chickens. |
PubMed: | Supplementing chicken broth with monosodium glutamate reduces hunger and desire to snack but does not affect energy intake in women. |
PubMed: | Dietary patterns among British adults: compatibility with dietary guidelines for salt/sodium, fat, saturated fat and sugars. |
PubMed: | Cellular signaling pathways regulating the initial stage of adipogenesis and marbling of skeletal muscle. |
PubMed: | Pipping muscle and liver metabolic profile changes and relationships in broiler embryos on days 15 and 19 of incubation. |
PubMed: | Early feeding affects resistance against cold exposure in young broiler chickens. |
PubMed: | Safety and quality of some chicken meat products in Al-Ahsa markets-Saudi Arabia. |
PubMed: | Quantifying the effects of genetic selection and genetic variation for body size, carcass composition, and meat quality in the domestic fowl (Gallus domesticus). |
PubMed: | Effect of dietary garlic bulb and husk on the physicochemical properties of chicken meat. |
PubMed: | Evaluation of supplementary stevia (Stevia rebaudiana, bertoni) leaves and stevioside in broiler diets: effects on feed intake, nutrient metabolism, blood parameters and growth performance. |
PubMed: | Corticosterone administration and dietary glucose supplementation enhance fat accumulation in broiler chickens. |
PubMed: | Molecular cloning and characterization of the human PED/PEA-15 gene promoter reveal antagonistic regulation by hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha and chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor II. |
PubMed: | The development of a novel cooking method (alternate roasting with its own fat) for chicken to improve nutritional value. |
PubMed: | Utilization of soybeans and their components through the development of textured soy protein foods. |
PubMed: | Molecular cloning and expression of chicken carbohydrate response element binding protein and Max-like protein X gene homologues. |
PubMed: | Sensory attributes of slow- and fast-growing chicken genotypes raised indoors or with outdoor access. |
PubMed: | Effect of early feed restriction on metabolic programming and compensatory growth in broiler chickens. |
PubMed: | Diet-induced thermogenesis and glucose oxidation in broiler chickens: influence of genotype and diet composition. |
PubMed: | Optimizing palm oil and palm stearin utilization for sensory and textural properties of chicken frankfurters. |
PubMed: | [Genetic parameter estimation for inosine-5-monophosphate and intramuscular fat contents and other meat quality traits in chicken muscle]. |
PubMed: | Analysis of early lipid oxidation in smoked, comminuted pork or poultry sausages with spices. |
PubMed: | Dietary n-3 and n-6 fatty acids alter avian glucose metabolism. |
PubMed: | Chicken any way you like it. Chicken is the perfect choice for a low-carb, low-fat, high-flavor meal. |
PubMed: | Fat and carbohydrate use in posthatch chicks. |
PubMed: | [Nutritional quality and acceptability of a product formulated with mechanically deboned poultry meat, plasma and bovine red cell]. |
PubMed: | Fatty acid composition and quality characteristics of low-fat cooked sausages made with beef and chicken meat, tomato juice and sunflower oil. |
PubMed: | Chia seed (Salvia hispanica L.) as an omega-3 fatty acid source for broilers: influence on fatty acid composition, cholesterol and fat content of white and dark meats, growth performance, and sensory characteristics. |
PubMed: | Effect of dietary fish oil on fatty acid composition, lipid oxidation and sensory property of chicken frankfurters during storage. |
PubMed: | Influence of dietary fat source, alpha-tocopherol, and ascorbic acid supplementation on sensory quality of dark chicken meat. |
PubMed: | Metabolizable energy value of conjugated linoleic acid for broiler chicks and laying hens. |
PubMed: | Energy utilisation of carbohydrate, fat and protein sources in newly hatched broiler chicks. |
PubMed: | Quality enhancement of chicken baked without skin using honey marinades. |
PubMed: | Energy utilization in newly hatched chicks. |
PubMed: | The role of the somatotrophic axis in the metabolism of the chicken. |
PubMed: | Composition, storage stability and sensory properties of expanded extrudates from blends of corn starch and goat meat, lamb, mutton, spent fowl meat, or beef. |
PubMed: | Sensory and fatty acid profile of eggs from commercial hens fed rendered spent hen meal. |
PubMed: | Development and evaluation of a chicken breakfast sausage manufactured with mechanically deboned chicken meat. |
PubMed: | Textural, color, and sensory properties of bologna containing various levels of washed chicken skin. |
PubMed: | Utilization of hydrolyzed sucrose polyester (olestra) in broiler diets. |
PubMed: | Test of three bait types for oral immunization of dogs against rabies in Tunisia. |
PubMed: | Performance of single comb White Leghorn layers fed corn-soybean meal and barley-corn-soybean meal diets supplemented with a direct-fed microbial. |
PubMed: | Oat beta-glucan-amylodextrins: preliminary preparations and biological properties. |
PubMed: | Effect of dietary sorbitol on the performance of broilers. |
PubMed: | Effects of monosodium glutamate on lines of chickens having different juvenile exponential growth rates. |
PubMed: | Growth, food intake and energy balance of layer and broiler chickens offered glucose in the drinking water and the effect of dietary protein content. |
PubMed: | Processing yields and meat flavor of broilers fed a mixture of narasin and nicarbazin as an anticoccidial agent. |
PubMed: | Further characterization of insulin secretion from the perfused duodenum-pancreas of chicken: a comparison of insulin release in chickens selected for high and low abdominal fat content. |
PubMed: | Fat and lean chickens: prefattening period and in vivo sensitivity to insulin, atropine, and propranolol. |
PubMed: | Energy and protein relations in the broiler chicken. 2. Effect of varied protein and constant carbohydrate levels on body composition and lipid metabolism. |
PubMed: | Influence of substitution method and of food intake on bioassays to determine metabolisable energy with chickens. |
PubMed: | Residues of polychlorinated phenols and anisoles in broilers raised on contaminated woodshaving litter. |
PubMed: | Longitudinal study of adiposity in chickens selected for high or low abdominal fat content: further evidence of a glucose-insulin imbalance in the fat line. |
PubMed: | Influence of carbohydrate and supplemental fat source on the metabolizable energy of the diet. |
PubMed: | Influence of graded levels of fat on utilization of pure carbohydrate by the laying hen. |
PubMed: | The effects of fasting on body composition, glucose turnover, enzymes and metabolites in the chicken. |
PubMed: | Influence of carbohydrate source on liver fat accumulation in hens. |
PubMed: | Effects of high carbohydrate, high fat, or high protein diets on glucose oxidation by isolated intestinal epithelial cells of the chick. |
PubMed: | Dietary and hormonal regulation of pancreatic xanthine dehydrogenase in the chick. |
PubMed: | Lipid biosynthesis in the chick. A consideration of site of synthesis, influence of diet and possible regulatory mechanisms. |
PubMed: | The relation between monosodium glutamate inducing brain damage, and body weight, food intake, semen production and endocrine criteria in the fowl. |
PubMed: | The use of three dye-binding procedures for the assessment of heat damage to food proteins. |
PubMed: | Chicken insulin: radioimmunological characterization and enhanced activity in rat fat cells and liver plasma membranes. |
PubMed: | Effect of fasting and high-fat diet feeding on plasma and pancreatic insulin contents in young chick given an oral glucose load. |
PubMed: | Fat absorption by the very young chick. |
PubMed: | Activity of lipogenic enzymes and plasma triglyceride levels in the rat and the chicken as determined by the nature of the dietary fat and dietary carbohydrate. |
PubMed: | Gluconeogenic and lipogenic enzyme activities in growing chicks fed high fat and high carbohydrate diets. |
PubMed: | Fat studies. 2. The metabolic efficiency of energy utilization of glucose, soybean oil and different animal fats by growing chicks. |
PubMed: | The effects of dietary fat on fatty acid synthesis and malic enzyme activity in liver from growing chicks. |
PubMed: | Conversion of[U-14C]glucose into carbon dioxide, glycogen, cholesterol and fatty acids in liver slices from embryonic and growing chicks. |