laurel leaf absolute
laurus nobilis leaf absolute
tsca definition 2008: extractives and their physically modified derivatives. laurus nobilis, lauraceae.
  • Excellentia International
    • Excellentia International
      Ingredients by Nature
      Exceptional quality and excellence in meeting our customers requirements.
      Excellentia International was founded in 2010 through the merger of Excellentia Flavors LLC and Polarome International. Collectively, these companies account for more than one hundred years of industry experience, and are recognized for exceptional quality and excellence in meeting our customers’ requirements.
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      Laurel Leaf Absolute
  • Hermitage Oils
    • Hermitage Oils / Neroli S.R.L.
      Perfumery and Aromatherapy materials since 1979
      Hermitage Oils, the true home of essential oils!
      Hermitage Oils offers a selection of Absolutes, Essential Oils, Natural Isolates, Aroma Chemicals, CO2 Extracts, Ethanol Tinctures, and Extraits by Enfleurage.
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      Laurel Leaf Absolute 50%
      Adam Michael has this to say “Laurel leaf absolute is golden olive green in colour and diluted to 50% by us in ethanol which enables a ready to use material. This material is produced by solvent extracting the leaves of Laurus nobilis which is a small shrub many of us grow in our gardens – the leaves are probably best known as Sweet Bay and of which are used to add flavour to food. Unlike the steam distilled laurel essential oil, the camphoraceous notes are barely detectable within this absolute.
  • Robertet
  • The John D. Walsh Company
    • The John D. Walsh Company, Inc
      Suppliers Since 1942
      Supplying the fragrance and flavor industry with high quality products.
      The John D. Walsh Company, Inc. has evolved from its beginnings as an agent/broker into a distributor of essential oils, aroma chemicals, concretes and absolutes. We currently represent the following companies, as their North American distributor: Destilerias Munoz Galvez, S.A. International Flavors & Fragrances PFW Aroma Chemicals B.V. Innospec Widnes Limited Hydrodiffusion de Guatemala, S. A. DSM Nutritional Products The John D. Walsh Company, Inc. is proud to be a founding member of IFEAT, an active member of IFRA, North America, and a corporate sponsor of the WFFC.
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      Fax: 973-962-1557
      Firmenich Flavor Phone:973-962-1888
      Firmenich Flavor Fax:973-962-1898
      Laurel Leaf Absolute
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Name: laurus nobilis l. leaf absolute
CAS Number: 8007-48-5 
Category: flavor and fragrance agents
US / EU / FDA / JECFA / FEMA / FLAVIS / Scholar / Patent Information:
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Physical Properties:
Food Chemicals Codex Listed: No
Soluble in:
Insoluble in:
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Organoleptic Properties:
Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found).
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Cosmetic Information:
None found
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Excellentia International
Laurel Leaf Absolute
Hermitage Oils
Laurel Leaf Absolute 50%
Odor: characteristic
Use: Adam Michael has this to say “Laurel leaf absolute is golden olive green in colour and diluted to 50% by us in ethanol which enables a ready to use material. This material is produced by solvent extracting the leaves of Laurus nobilis which is a small shrub many of us grow in our gardens � the leaves are probably best known as Sweet Bay and of which are used to add flavour to food. Unlike the steam distilled laurel essential oil, the camphoraceous notes are barely detectable within this absolute.
Pure & Nat
Seasons and Harvest / Crop calendar
Laurel Leaves Absolute (for fragrance)
The John D. Walsh Company
Laurel Leaf Absolute
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Safety Information:
Hazards identification
Classification of the substance or mixture
GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS)
None found.
GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements
Hazard statement(s)
None found.
Precautionary statement(s)
None found.
Oral/Parenteral Toxicity:
intraperitoneal-mouse LD50  330 uL/kg
Journal of Ethnopharmacology. Vol. 58, Pg. 9, 1997.

oral-mouse LD50  3310 mg/kg
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. Vol. 22, Pg. 777, 1974.

Dermal Toxicity:
Not determined
Inhalation Toxicity:
Not determined
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Safety in Use Information:
Category: flavor and fragrance agents
IFRA Code of Practice Notification of the 49th Amendment to the IFRA Code of Practice
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Safety References:
EPA Substance Registry Services (TSCA): 8007-48-5
EPA ACToR: Toxicology Data
EPA Substance Registry Services (SRS): Registry
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Data
 laurus nobilis l. leaf absolute
Chemidplus: 0008007485
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 laurus nobilis l. leaf absolute
Pubchem (sid): 135304193
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Other Information:
Export Tariff Code: 3301.90.5000
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Potential Blenders and core components note
None Found
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Potential Uses:
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Occurrence (nature, food, other): note
 bay laurel
Search Trop  Picture
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 bay laurel leaf absolute
sweet bay leaf absolute
 laurel leaves absolute (for fragrance) (Robertet)
 laurus nobilis leaf absolute
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