CAS Number: | 3913-85-7 | 3D/inchi
ECHA EINECS - REACH Pre-Reg: | 223-475-8 |
CoE Number: | 10087 |
XlogP3-AA: | 3.80 (est) |
Molecular Weight: | 170.25186000 |
Formula: | C10 H18 O2 |
NMR Predictor: | Predict (works with chrome or firefox) |
EFSA/JECFA Comments: | CASrn in Register does not specify (Z) or (E) isomer.
Mixture of (Z)- and (E)- isomers (EFFA, 2010a). Composition of stereoisomeric mixture to be specified.
97% (sum of (E) and (Z) isomers) |
Category: flavoring agents
US / EU / FDA / JECFA / FEMA / FLAVIS / Scholar / Patent Information:
Physical Properties:
Appearance: | colorless clear liquid to solid (est) |
Assay: | 97.00 to 100.00 %
Food Chemicals Codex Listed: | No |
Specific Gravity: | 0.92300 to 0.93300 @ 25.00 °C.
Pounds per Gallon - (est).: | 7.680 to 7.763
Refractive Index: | 1.45600 to 1.46600 @ 20.00 °C.
Melting Point: | 10.00 to 12.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm Hg
Boiling Point: | 271.00 to 273.00 °C. @ 760.00 mm Hg
Vapor Pressure: | 0.001000 mmHg @ 25.00 °C. (est) |
Flash Point: | 365.00 °F. TCC ( 185.00 °C. )
logP (o/w): | 3.800 |
Soluble in: |
| alcohol | | water, 86.48 mg/L @ 25 °C (est) |
Organoleptic Properties:
Odor Type: fatty |
Odor Description:
| fatty |
Odor and/or flavor descriptions from others (if found). |
Cosmetic Information:
Safety Information:
Hazards identification |
Classification of the substance or mixture |
GHS Classification in accordance with 29 CFR 1910 (OSHA HCS) |
None found. |
GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements |
Pictogram | |
Hazard statement(s) |
None found. |
Precautionary statement(s) |
None found. |
Oral/Parenteral Toxicity: |
Not determined
Dermal Toxicity: |
Not determined
Inhalation Toxicity: |
Not determined
Safety in Use Information:
Category: | flavoring agents |
Recommendation for 2-decenoic acid usage levels up to: | | not for fragrance use.
Maximised Survey-derived Daily Intakes (MSDI-EU): | 0.012 (μg/capita/day) |
Maximised Survey-derived Daily Intakes (MSDI-USA): | 4.00 (μg/capita/day) |
Threshold of Concern: | 1800 (μg/person/day) |
Structure Class: | I |
Use levels for FEMA GRAS flavoring substances on which the FEMA Expert Panel based its judgments that the substances are generally recognized as safe (GRAS). |
The Expert Panel also publishes separate extensive reviews of scientific information on all FEMA GRAS flavoring substances and can be found at FEMA Flavor Ingredient Library |
publication number: 19 |
Click here to view publication 19 |
| average usual ppm | average maximum ppm |
baked goods: | 5.00000 | 10.00000 |
beverages(nonalcoholic): | 1.00000 | 5.00000 |
beverages(alcoholic): | 1.00000 | 2.00000 |
breakfast cereal: | - | - |
cheese: | - | - |
chewing gum: | - | - |
condiments / relishes: | 1.00000 | 2.00000 |
confectionery froastings: | - | - |
egg products: | - | - |
fats / oils: | - | - |
fish products: | - | - |
frozen dairy: | 2.00000 | 5.00000 |
fruit ices: | - | - |
gelatins / puddings: | 2.00000 | 4.00000 |
granulated sugar: | - | - |
gravies: | - | - |
hard candy: | 5.00000 | 7.00000 |
imitation dairy: | - | - |
instant coffee / tea: | - | - |
jams / jellies: | 2.00000 | 4.00000 |
meat products: | - | - |
milk products: | - | - |
nut products: | - | - |
other grains: | - | - |
poultry: | - | - |
processed fruits: | - | - |
processed vegetables: | - | - |
reconstituted vegetables: | - | - |
seasonings / flavors: | - | - |
snack foods: | - | - |
soft candy: | 2.00000 | 3.00000 |
soups: | - | - |
sugar substitutes: | - | - |
sweet sauces: | - | - |
Safety References:
Flavor & Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) reference(s): |
The FEMA GRAS assessment of alpha,beta-unsaturated aldehydes and related substances used as flavor ingredients. View pdf |
European Food Safety Athority(EFSA): | Flavor usage levels; Subacute, Subchronic, Chronic and Carcinogenicity Studies; Developmental / Reproductive Toxicity Studies; Genotoxicity Studies... |
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reference(s): |
Flavouring Group Evaluation 5, Revision 1 (FGE.05Rev1):Esters of branched- and straight-chain aliphatic saturated primary alcohols and of one secondary alcohol, and branched- and straight-chain unsaturated carboxylic acids from chemical groups 1, 2, and 5 (Commission Regulation (EC) No 1565/2000 of 18 July 2000) [1] - Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Food Additives, Flavourings, Processing Aids and Materials in contact with Food (AFC) View page or View pdf |
Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 71: Consideration of aliphatic, linear, alpha,beta-unsaturated carboxylic acids and related esters View page or View pdf |
Flavouring Group Evaluation 5, Revision 2 (FGE.05Rev2): Branched- and straight-chain unsaturated carboxylic acids and esters of these with aliphatic saturated alcohols from chemical groups 1, 2, 3 and 5 View page or View pdf |
Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 96 (FGE.96): Consideration of 88 flavouring substances considered by EFSA for which EU production volumes / anticipated production volumes have been submitted on request by DG SANCO. Addendum to FGE. 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 76, 77, 79, 80, 83, 84, 85 and 87. View page or View pdf |
Scientific Opinion on Flavouring Group Evaluation 71 Revision 1 (FGE.71Rev1): consideration of aliphatic, linear, a,�-unsaturated alcohols, aldehydes, carboxylic acids, and related esters evaluated by JECFA (63rd and 69th meeting) structurally related to flavouring substances evaluated in FGE.05Rev3 View page or View pdf |
EPI System: | View |
AIDS Citations: | Search |
Cancer Citations: | Search |
Toxicology Citations: | Search |
EPA ACToR: | Toxicology Data |
EPA Substance Registry Services (SRS): | Registry |
Laboratory Chemical Safety Summary : | 94282 |
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: | Data |
| dec-2-enoic acid |
Chemidplus: | 0003913857 |
Other Information:
Potential Blenders and core components note
For Odor |
No odor group found for these |
iso | butyl stearate | CS |
| dioctyl malonate | |
| ethyl 2,4,7-decatrienoate | FL/FR |
9- | octadecenal | FL/FR |
| oleyl acetate | CS |
iso | propyl myristate | CS |
alpha- | terpinen-7-al | FL/FR |
iso | valeraldehyde diethyl acetal | FL/FR |
| valeraldehyde propylene glycol acetal | FL/FR |
acidic |
| cyclohexyl acetic acid | FL/FR |
aldehydic |
| acetyl nonyryl | FL/FR |
| dodecanal (aldehyde C-12 lauric) | FL/FR |
| fresh carbaldehyde | FR |
| green hexanal | FL/FR |
| octane nitrile | FR |
| TMH aldehyde | FR |
| undecanal | FL/FR |
10- | undecenal (aldehyde C-11 undecylenic) | FL/FR |
iso | valeraldehyde | FL/FR |
animal |
| costus valerolactone | FR |
balsamic |
| cypress absolute | FR |
| guaiyl acetate | FL/FR |
buttery |
| acetoin | FL/FR |
| acetyl butyryl | FL/FR |
| acetyl isobutyryl | FL/FR |
caramellic |
| strawberry furanone acetate | FL/FR |
cheesy |
2- | methyl hexanoic acid | FL/FR |
citrus |
| aldehydic nitrile | FR |
(E)-4- | decenal | FL/FR |
4- | decenal | FL/FR |
| octanal glycol acetal | FR |
coconut |
delta-2- | dodecenolactone | FL/FR |
gamma- | octalactone | FL/FR |
delta- | octalactone | FL/FR |
delta- | undecalactone | FL/FR |
coffee |
| furfuryl mercaptan | FL/FR |
creamy |
gamma- | butyrolactone | FL/FR |
| methyl undecylenate | FL/FR |
ethereal |
| decyl propionate | FL/FR |
fatty |
| allyl cyclohexyl hexanoate | FL/FR |
| allyl octanoate | FL/FR |
| butyl stearate | FL/FR |
iso | butyl undecylenate | FL/FR |
| butyl undecylenate | FL/FR |
| coconut absolute | FL/FR |
(Z)- | dairy lactone | FL/FR |
2,4- | decadien-1-ol | FL/FR |
| decanoic acid | FL/FR |
| decanol | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | decen-1-ol | FL/FR |
3- | decen-2-one | FL/FR |
2- | decenal | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | decenal | FL/FR |
2- | dodecen-1-ol | FL/FR |
| ethyl undecylenate | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | hepten-1-ol | FL/FR |
| hexanoic acid | FL/FR |
| hexyl pivalate | FR |
| lauric acid | FL/FR |
| methyl 10-undecenoate | FL/FR |
| methyl 2-hexenoate | FL/FR |
4- | methyl octanoic acid | FL/FR |
| neryl acetone | FL/FR |
(Z)-2- | nonenal | CS |
(E)-2- | nonenal | FL/FR |
2- | nonenal | FL/FR |
| octanoic acid | FL/FR |
(Z)-3- | octen-1-ol | FL/FR |
2- | octenal | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | octenal | FL/FR |
| perilla seed oil | FL/FR |
(E,Z,Z)-2,4,7- | tridecatrienal | FL/FR |
2,4- | undecadien-1-ol | FR |
| undecanal propylene glycol acetal | FL/FR |
10- | undecen-2-one | FL/FR |
floral |
alpha- | amyl cinnamaldehyde / methyl anthranilate schiff's base | FR |
| benzyl lactate | FL/FR |
| decanal / methyl anthranilate schiff's base | FR |
| jasmin absolute (from pommade) | FL/FR |
| mimosa concrete france | FL/FR |
| nonanol | FL/FR |
| octanal / methyl anthranilate schiff's base | FR |
| terpinyl isobutyrate | FL/FR |
fresh |
| decyl vinyl ether | FR |
fried |
(E,Z)-2,4- | decadienal | |
fruity |
| allyl cyclohexyl propionate | FL/FR |
| allyl hexanoate | FL/FR |
| amyl hexanoate | FL/FR |
gamma- | dodecalactone | FL/FR |
| ethyl acetoacetate | FL/FR |
| ethyl hexanoate | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | hepten-1-yl acetate | FL/FR |
| methyl 2-methyl butyrate | FL/FR |
| octen-1-yl cyclopentanone | FL/FR |
| octyl heptanoate | FL/FR |
| propyl 2,4-decadienoate | FL/FR |
| strawberry glycidate 1 (aldehyde C-16 (so-called)) | FL/FR |
gamma- | undecalactone (aldehyde C-14 (so-called)) | FL/FR |
2- | undecanone | FL/FR |
3,7- | dimethyl-6-octenoic acid | FL/FR |
| dodecanal dimethyl acetal | FL/FR |
| heptanal cyclic propylene acetal | FL/FR |
3- | heptanone | FL/FR |
2- | heptenal | FL/FR |
(Z)-4- | heptenal | FL/FR |
(Z)-4- | heptenal diethyl acetal | FL/FR |
2- | heptyl furan | FL/FR |
| hexanal (aldehyde C-6) | FL/FR |
(E)-3- | hexen-1-ol | FL/FR |
(Z)-3- | hexen-1-yl benzoate | FL/FR |
(Z)-3- | hexen-1-yl pyruvate | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | hexenal | FL/FR |
alpha- | hexyl cinnamaldehyde dimethyl acetal | FR |
| manzanate (Givaudan) | FL/FR |
| neryl butyrate | FL/FR |
(E,Z)-3,6- | nonadien-1-ol | FL/FR |
(E,Z)-2,6- | nonadien-1-yl acetate | FL/FR |
(E,Z)-2,6- | nonadienal | FL/FR |
| octanal diethyl acetal | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | octen-1-yl acetate | FL/FR |
| perilla alcohol | FL/FR |
herbal |
| benzyl octanoate | FL/FR |
laevo- | perillaldehyde | FL/FR |
| sulfurol | FL/FR |
melon |
(Z)-6- | nonen-1-ol | FL/FR |
musk |
| exaltone (Firmenich) | FR |
dextro,laevo- | muscone | FL/FR |
oily |
| petal pyranone | FL/FR |
popcorn |
2- | acetyl pyridine | FL/FR |
soapy |
| benzyl laurate | FL/FR |
| ethyl undecanoate | FL/FR |
spicy |
| allspice leaf oil | FL/FR |
| cumin seed oil | FL/FR |
| gingergrass oil | FR |
2- | octanol | FL/FR |
tonka |
6- | amyl-alpha-pyrone | FL/FR |
waxy |
iso | amyl laurate | FL/FR |
(Z)-5- | decen-1-ol | |
(E)-2- | decen-1-yl acetate | FL/FR |
9- | decenoic acid | FL/FR |
1- | dodecanol | FL/FR |
| methyl myristate | FL/FR |
| methyl undecanoate | FR |
2,4- | nonadien-1-ol | FL/FR |
| octanol | FL/FR |
| octyl isobutyrate | FL/FR |
delta- | tetradecalactone | FL/FR |
| tetradecanal | FL/FR |
| undecanoic acid | FL/FR |
woody |
| amber carbinol | FR |
| amyris acetate | FR |
For Flavor |
No flavor group found for these |
| allyl cyclohexyl hexanoate | FL/FR |
| benzyl lactate | FL/FR |
| benzyl octanoate | FL/FR |
| butyl stearate | FL/FR |
iso | butyl undecylenate | FL/FR |
(E,Z)-2,4- | decadienal | |
3-oxo | decanoic acid glyceride | FL |
(Z)-5- | decen-1-ol | |
(E)-2- | decen-1-ol | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | decen-1-yl acetate | FL/FR |
4- | decenal | FL/FR |
| decyl propionate | FL/FR |
| dioctyl malonate | |
3-oxo | dodecanoic acid glyceride | FL |
(E)-2- | dodecen-1-ol | FL |
2- | dodecen-1-ol | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | dodecen-1-yl acetate | FL |
11- | dodecenoic acid | FL |
delta-2- | dodecenolactone | FL/FR |
| epoxy-2-decenal | FL |
2,3- | epoxydecanal | FL |
2,3- | epoxyheptanal | FL |
| ethyl 2,4,7-decatrienoate | FL/FR |
| furfuryl hexanoate | FL |
| guaiyl acetate | FL/FR |
| heptanal cyclic propylene acetal | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | hepten-1-ol | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | hepten-1-yl acetate | FL/FR |
2- | heptenal | FL/FR |
3-oxo | hexadecanoic acid glyceride (palm oil glycerides mono- and di- hydrogenated) | FL |
| hexanal butane-2,3-diol acetal | FL |
| hexanal octane-1,3-diol acetal | FL |
3-oxo | hexanoic acid glyceride | FL |
| hexyl (E)-2-hexenoate | FL |
| lauric acid | FL/FR |
| methionyl acetate | FL |
| methyl 2-hexenoate | FL/FR |
5- | methyl hexanoic acid | FL |
| methyl myristate | FL/FR |
3- | methyl-2-cyclopenten-1-one | FL |
| neryl acetone | FL/FR |
2- | nonenoic acid | FL |
(E)-2- | nonenoic acid | FL |
9- | octadecenal | FL/FR |
3-oxo | octanoic acid glyceride | FL |
2- | octenal | FL/FR |
(Z)-5- | octenoic acid | FL |
3- | octenoic acid | FL |
| octyl heptanoate | FL/FR |
2- | pentyl pyridine | FL |
| perilla seed oil | FL/FR |
alpha- | terpinen-7-al | FL/FR |
| terpinyl isobutyrate | FL/FR |
| undecanal propylene glycol acetal | FL/FR |
| valeraldehyde diethyl acetal | FL |
iso | valeraldehyde diethyl acetal | FL/FR |
| valeraldehyde propylene glycol acetal | FL/FR |
10- | undecen-2-one | FL/FR |
aldehydic |
| acetyl nonyryl | FL/FR |
aromatic |
laevo- | perillaldehyde | FL/FR |
astringent |
2,3- | dimethyl quinoxaline | FL |
bitter |
(E,Z,Z)-2,4,7- | tridecatrienal | FL/FR |
burnt |
1,6- | hexane dithiol | FL |
caramellic |
| strawberry furanone acetate | FL/FR |
cheesy |
| hexanoic acid | FL/FR |
coconut |
delta- | octalactone | FL/FR |
coffee |
| furfuryl mercaptan | FL/FR |
cooling |
| manzanate (Givaudan) | FL/FR |
corn |
2- | acetyl pyridine | FL/FR |
creamy |
| acetoin | FL/FR |
| acetyl butyryl | FL/FR |
| acetyl isobutyryl | FL/FR |
6- | amyl-alpha-pyrone | FL/FR |
| octyl isobutyrate | FL/FR |
delta- | undecalactone | FL/FR |
gamma- | undecalactone (aldehyde C-14 (so-called)) | FL/FR |
estery |
| ethyl acetoacetate | FL/FR |
ethereal |
| benzyl laurate | FL/FR |
fatty |
| allyl octanoate | FL/FR |
iso | amyl laurate | FL/FR |
| butyl oleate | FL |
| coconut absolute | FL/FR |
(Z)- | dairy lactone | FL/FR |
2,4- | decadien-1-ol | FL/FR |
2,4- | decadienal | FL |
2- | decenal | FL/FR |
(E,E)-2,4- | dodecadienal | FL |
| ethyl undecylenate | FL/FR |
(E,E)-2,4- | heptadienal | FL |
2- | heptyl furan | FL/FR |
(Z)-3- | hexen-1-yl benzoate | FL/FR |
4- | methyl octanoic acid | FL/FR |
2,4- | nonadien-1-ol | FL/FR |
(E,E)-2,4- | nonadienal | FL |
2,4- | nonadienal | FL |
2- | nonenal | FL/FR |
2,4- | octadien-1-ol | FL |
(Z)-3- | octen-1-ol | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | octenal | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | octenoic acid | FL |
| tetradecanal | FL/FR |
10- | undecenal (aldehyde C-11 undecylenic) | FL/FR |
floral |
3,7- | dimethyl-6-octenoic acid | FL/FR |
| jasmin absolute (from pommade) | FL/FR |
| mimosa concrete france | FL/FR |
fruity |
| allyl cyclohexyl propionate | FL/FR |
| allyl hexanoate | FL/FR |
| amyl hexanoate | FL/FR |
gamma- | dodecalactone | FL/FR |
| ethyl (E)-2-octenoate | FL |
| ethyl hexanoate | FL/FR |
| methyl 2-methyl butyrate | FL/FR |
| octen-1-yl cyclopentanone | FL/FR |
| strawberry glycidate 1 (aldehyde C-16 (so-called)) | FL/FR |
iso | valeraldehyde | FL/FR |
green |
3- | decen-2-one | FL/FR |
| dihydroxyacetophenone (mixed isomers) | FL |
| dodecanal dimethyl acetal | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | heptenal | FL |
(Z)-4- | heptenal | FL/FR |
(Z)-4- | heptenal diethyl acetal | FL/FR |
| hexanal (aldehyde C-6) | FL/FR |
(E)-3- | hexen-1-ol | FL/FR |
(Z)-3- | hexen-1-yl pyruvate | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | hexenal | FL/FR |
3-(5- | methyl-2-furyl) butanal | FL |
| neryl butyrate | FL/FR |
(E,Z)-3,6- | nonadien-1-ol | FL/FR |
(E,Z)-2,6- | nonadien-1-yl acetate | FL/FR |
(E,Z)-2,6- | nonadienal | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | nonenal | FL/FR |
2,4- | octadienal | FL |
(E,E)-2,4- | octadienal | FL |
| octanal diethyl acetal | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | octen-1-yl acetate | FL/FR |
herbal |
| green hexanal | FL/FR |
5- | hydroxymethyl furfural | FL |
ketonic |
3- | heptanone | FL/FR |
lactonic |
gamma- | octalactone | FL/FR |
meaty |
12- | methyl tridecanal | FL |
| sulfurol | FL/FR |
melon |
| propyl 2,4-decadienoate | FL/FR |
milky |
gamma- | butyrolactone | FL/FR |
dextro,laevo-3-( | methyl thio) butanone | FL |
musk |
dextro,laevo- | muscone | FL/FR |
oily |
2- | methyl hexanoic acid | FL/FR |
| petal pyranone | FL/FR |
ripe |
(E)-4- | decenal | FL/FR |
roasted |
| hexyl mercaptan | FL |
soapy |
| decanoic acid | FL/FR |
| dodecanal (aldehyde C-12 lauric) | FL/FR |
1- | dodecanol | FL/FR |
| octanoic acid | FL/FR |
spicy |
| allspice leaf oil | FL/FR |
| cumin seed oil | FL/FR |
2- | octanol | FL/FR |
sulfurous |
| roasted butanol | FL |
sweet |
| cyclohexyl acetic acid | FL/FR |
waxy |
| butyl undecylenate | FL/FR |
| decanol | FL/FR |
(E)-2- | decenal | FL/FR |
9- | decenoic acid | FL/FR |
| ethyl undecanoate | FL/FR |
| methyl 10-undecenoate | FL/FR |
| methyl undecylenate | FL/FR |
| nonanol | FL/FR |
(Z)-6- | nonen-1-ol | FL/FR |
| octanol | FL/FR |
delta- | tetradecalactone | FL/FR |
| undecanal | FL/FR |
| undecanoic acid | FL/FR |
2- | undecanone | FL/FR |
woody |
| perilla alcohol | FL/FR |
Potential Uses:
Occurrence (nature, food, other): note
| dec-2-en-saeure | | dec-2-enoic acid | 2- | decensaeure | 1- | nonenylcarboxylic acid |